by chia | Oct 18, 2022 | Event Archive, Events

I just finished the illustration workshop of Sweet Halloween last Sunday. I was very happy and surprised that the participants were from such diverse fields as law, marketing, digital art, library, writing, etc. When I ran the creative thinking exercises, I found that most of the participants had already a lot of experience with painting and rich creativity. (Everyone was too good. That made me feel a bit useless, and I could only assist from the side. XD)
During the workshop, the participants were creating their own unique little monsters, while sharing their own stories, and eating delicious and delicate sweets. It was so wonderful that the workshop was full of rich creativity, warmth and laughter and I enjoyed it very much. At the end of the workshop, I received more positive feedback than I expected. I will also try to improve my workshop, and bring more fun to all my participants
The only thing that I feel a little pity for was that I didn’t have the opportunity to get to know each of my participants better. I hope that I can hold a small exhibition next year or the year after. Then I can take this chance to get to know my participants and fans better
Thank Round and Round Rotterdam for the delicious sweets and great assistance, and many good friends for their helpful feedback.
In addition, I have to thank the crews of Venture Café who have given me opportunities and assisted me in running many different workshops, and many participants at Venture Café have given me a lot of effective feedback.
Oh ya~ I almost forgot to thank my Black Ink Monster ambassador. He was helping me to warm up the workshop! ^^
—— In Chinese: Sweet Halloween 工坊後記 / 10月16日——-
上週日剛辦完小怪獸插畫工坊。很開心、也非常意外參加者來多種不同的領域,比如:法律、行銷、書寫、數位藝術、圖書館等等 。在帶著大家做創意發想練習時,我發現參加者大多已有許多的繪畫經驗和豐富的創意。(大家都太厲害了,讓做為開授插畫工坊的我感到毫無用武之地,只能默默在旁協助。XD)
大家邊邊創作著各自獨特的小怪獸、邊分享各自創作的小故事、邊吃著Round & Round 好吃精致的茶點。整個插畫工坊充斥著滿滿的豐富的創意、滿滿的溫暖及笑聲。在工坊的最後,我收到超乎我預期正面的反饋。我也會繼續努力將工坊舉辦得更好玩、有趣的!
唯一讓我感到有點宛惜的是,我沒機會和每一位來自不同領域的參與者好好聊一下、彼此交流。希望明年或後年能有機會辦個小型的畫展,借此機會和workshop 的參與者還有粉絲好好認識、交流一下。^^
感謝 Round and Round 好吃的茶點和大力協助,還有很多好朋友們給我的很有幫助 feedback! 🙂
此外,還有許多在 Venture Café 人員給我機會及協助我辦多場不同的workshops,許多在Venture Café 的參與者給我很多有效的 feedback. 🙂

by chia | Dec 4, 2019 | Event Archive, Events

Last Sunday / December 1, I have gave my first painting workshop art Round & Round in Rotterdam.
In the beginning of the workshop, I got a bit sweat because some of the participators didn’t know where they can start with and I wouldn’t want them to bring an empty canvas home. Fortunately they are really talented. After I showed them some examples and explained them the steps, they started sketching with their pencils. In the end of the workshop, they all created very nice and their unique paintings. It was a bit pity that the time was too short to finish their paintings up. (I can truly felt that dogs are running after us when I was giving workshop.)
It was a great teaching experience and thanks all the talented participators. and the warm support from Round & Round! 🙂
I am planing to hold workshops regularly next year!
Would you like to know more workshops?
Visit for further information.
by chia | Dec 14, 2016 | Event Archive
I am well prepared and looking forward to giving my first work shop this Sunday (Dec. 18.2016.)
There is still some spot left, so feel free to join us! 😉

by chia | Dec 14, 2016 | Event Archive
Today I just saw the photo of my first Christmas market in 2014. If I didn’t see the photo, I would have almost forgotten that I had so little products. I have created lots of illustrations and developed many diverse products in these two years. Now my stand at Christmas market in 2016 is full of my illustrations and products. I have never thought of it 2 years ago!
I can have such progress, except I have worked very hard. I have to thank a lot of people and orgainzations, as my first shop in shop Spring Store, and first market De Zelfgemaakte Markt, Swan market, Round & Round, The New Label Project, Subcultures, Draagkracht, Sunday Market, Museum Market, Utrecht Made, etc.. Of course, I also have to thank to my cooperating companies, my fans, families and friends.
能有如此的進展,除了自己一點一滴的努力外,還要感謝最初讓我寄賣的 Spring Shop 和 擺攤的 De Zelfgemaakte Market ,以及後來的Swan market、Round & Round、The New Label Project、Subcultures、Draagkracht、Sunday Market、Museum Market、Utrecht Made, 等等,還有我的合作廠商們、喜愛我作品的人們和默默支持我的家人、朋友們!
by chia | Nov 11, 2016 | Event Archive
The ‘Confused Universe Exibition & Shop’ will feature the latest work and products of ‘Chia DNA’. In the center is the imagination of Yu-Chia, and all of her creatures, and how it crosses over to the real world.
Are you curious about Chia DNA’s new work? Come join and take a look at Subcultures! Let’s open our imagination together! 😉
* 1 November- 31 December 2016 at Subculture/ Oudegracht 183, 3511 NE Utrecht/ in Utrecht.
More information:
by chia | Mar 13, 2016 | Event Archive

I will start with a sad news first: De zelfgemakte markt is not going to continue 2016, except the Christmas market in December. However, my business will not stop and you still can find our creation and products in Utrecht. I am going to sell our product at Swan market, Vredenburg , 12:00 – 18:00, April 10 (Sunday).
In addition, I am looking for business partners who is willing to sell my products in there store and tea shop /Café. If you are interested in the cooperation, and you know any cooperation opportunity, please feel free to contact me! 🙂
by chia | Mar 13, 2016 | Event Archive

Yep, Chia DNA is going to sell our creation and products at Original market in Leiden on 27 March.
It has been long time to meet you in a market after the Christmas markets last December because of the code weather. But it is getting warmer and I can feel that the spring is coming. ^^ So it is the time to back to the markets, and of course, it would be wonderful if you and your friends can visit me! 🙂
See you there at Original market Leiden March 27! 😉
by chia | Oct 10, 2015 | Event Archive
The weather was not so good so the selling was not supper great on that day, even though I still had really nice day. Thanks for my nice neighbor, Andrea ( at the market, and my pervious clients come to visit my stand with their son. (I’ve created a card of new born baby for them.) They made my day, and It was so nice to see them again!

by chia | Jun 29, 2015 | Event Archive
I was invited to participate a event, Culturele zondagen Utrecht, by GMraven. We were a team as GMraven suites & art.
It was my first time to do the live drawing and I was a bit nervous. In fact, I am not use to draw in front of a lot visitors, and creating art is a private thing for me. Thus, it was a challenge for me. During the event, I got a lot of complement with my pervious art and live drawing, and it made me forget my uncomfortable feeling. One thing in the event was very surprised me , ” there were couples of grande mother age’s lady came to me and told me that they really like my art and the way I am drawing.” I didn’t think that my art will attract elders. What a surprise!
I’ve created a piece of illustration, “A Dutch Raining Day”. It was inspired by the weather on that Sunday: the Robot presents my feeling of Dutch raining day, and on the other hand, the plants are happy to receive the rain.

(I was thinking what am I going to create.)

Finished illustration
Robot and Plant Monsters in a Dutch Raining Day